Our charity bike ride was a great success! From the seasoned riders to the less experienced, many members of staff and friends of David Burr came together to raise money for three local charities. Around 30 riders took on the 25-mile route, with many doing a ‘second lap’ to complete 50 miles.
This achievement was even more impressive, as due to the autumn weather we were only able to complete one official training ride.
Raising money for local Suffolk causes
As well as having a great time, the aim of the exercise was, of course, to raise funds for our chosen charities – St Nicholas Hospice, Henry’s Holiday Help and the National Autistic Society.
We set ourselves what we thought was an ambitious target of £1,950 (£650 per charity).
And… we smashed it!
We raised £3,076, exceeding our targets for every charity!
There’s still time to donate if you wish. Simply visit justgiving.com/teams/davidburrbikeride2018 to make a donation.
More information on the chosen charities can be found here: davidburr.co.uk/david-burr-suffolk-charity-bike-ride/
Thank you
Special thanks must go to The Queens Head in Hawkedon who hosted the event, and Kall Kwik Bury St Edmunds for providing the signs and maps free of charge. And to everyone who supported us and donated to our three charities! The money raised will really help our them to continue the great work they each do on a daily basis.
Hopefully, this is just the start. We’re hoping to make the cycle ride an annual event. So, get your bikes out of the shed, dust off your helmets and we’ll see you next year for our second ride!