We will prominently showcase your property on the leading property portals which provide statistical analysis to ensure we are maximising your exposure to the market. Our website attracts over 240,000 page views every month and is constantly being updated with new features and articles.
We update our ever growing Facebook & Instagram accounts with new properties and eye catching features on a daily basis. Our weekly email newsletter reaches goes out to over 120,000 emails every month and is an incredibly powerful marketing tool.
We still favour traditional press advertising featuring in local journals such as the Bury Free Press, Suffolk Free Press, Newmarket Journal, East Anglian Daily Times, Cambridge News and Essex Life as well as regularly gaining editorials in national titles such as the Times, the Telegraph and magazines such as the Week. We employ independent PR agencies to attain prominent editorials for us so if you have an interesting story to tell about you and your property please let us know!
At David Burr, we have a complement of photographers who have years of experience in showcasing your property in the best possible light.
Ensuring your property is featured far and wide is important but the way we present it is the key to our success. Every property is expertly photographed with elevated angles and drone images where appropriate.
We will prominently showcase your property on the leading property portals which provide statistical analysis to ensure we are maximising your exposure to the market. Our website attracts over 240,000 page views every month and is constantly being updated with new features and articles.
We update our ever growing Facebook & Instagram accounts with new properties and eye catching features on a daily basis. Our weekly email newsletter goes out to over 120,000 emails every month and is an incredibly powerful marketing tool.
The London office is located just off Pall Mall is ideally situated to advise London buyers of the benefits of living in East Anglia. We attract a significant amount of purchasers from central and greater London moving to the country with 20% of our website traffic being from London.
Their annual property exhibition, advertising and website ensure our properties are marketed to thousands of potential buyers considering a change of scenery.