Preparing your home for winter

As the days get shorter, and the temperatures begin to drop, it's that time of year when we start to crave warmth, comfort, and the joys of winter. But it's essential that your home is ready to face the chilly months ahead. Follow our list so that everything is covered.

Posted: November 13, 2023

Preparing your home for winter

1. Check your heating

Ensure your heating system is in tip-top condition by booking a professional service. Servicing your boiler and radiators will not only keep you warm but also help you save on energy bills. Don’t forget to bleed your radiators to ensure they’re working efficiently, as trapped air can cause cold spots.

2. Insulate and seal

Keep the cold out by checking for gaps and draughts around windows and doors. Invest in draught excluders and sealants to block any unwanted breezes. Also, consider adding extra insulation to your loft or cavity walls.

3. Get fires ready

There’s nothing quite like the crackling sound of a roaring fire on a winter’s night. If you have a fireplace or wood-burning stove, now is the time to ensure it’s in perfect working order. Have your chimney swept professionally to remove any soot build-up and ensure it’s safe to use and stock up on dry firewood.

4. Get cosy with soft furnishings

Swap out light summer curtains for heavier, thermal ones. Invest in thick, cosy rugs to keep your feet warm on cold floors. And don’t forget to layer your sofas and beds with sumptuous throws and blankets.

5. Pay attention to the outside

While you may not be spending as much time in the garden during the winter, it’s still essential to give it some attention. Prune any overgrown branches that could become hazardous in stormy weather. Clear out gutters and drains to prevent blockages and damp.

6. Get ice and snow ready

It’s best to be prepared with harsh winter weather, especially if you have a rural property. Ensure you have an ample supply of rock salt or grit for icy pathways. Also, check that your torches have fresh batteries and consider investing in some candles and matches – they’ll create a lovely, warm atmosphere even if you hopefully don’t experience power cuts!

7. Wrap up your pipes

Frozen pipes can be a nightmare, leading to costly repairs. Prevent this by insulating exposed pipes, especially in unheated areas like garages or if they run to an outbuilding. If you’re planning to be away for an extended period, leave your heating on at a low temperature to prevent freezing or consider draining down the system.

8. Be winter safe

Lastly, but perhaps most importantly, ensure your home is safe throughout the winter. Test your smoke and carbon monoxide detectors to ensure they’re working correctly. Keep a fire extinguisher handy in the kitchen. And have an emergency kit with essential supplies in case of severe weather conditions.

Your property will become your haven over the winter months as we all find ourselves hibernating and enjoying home and hearth more.

At David Burr, we know the importance of the homeliness of your property. If the impending winter is making you rethink if your property is right for you current needs, then take a look at the wonderful array of properties we have available for sale.